Monday, November 29th, 2021 – 17h00 (GMT +1)
What is vulnerability?
Vulnerability means different things to scholars and practitioners from distinct disciplines and to policy makers. This has led to numerous confusions. Let’s try to define vulnerability precisely with the help of actuarial mathematics!
Host: Ida Ferrara York University Canada
Discussants: Séverine Arnold University of Lausanne Switzerland Corina Constantinescu University of Liverpool United Kingdom Edward Furman York University Canada
How to measure the impact of Inclusive Insurance?
Can we quantify the contribution of inclusive insurance in helping the “missing middle” avoid poverty and the climb socio-economic ladder? How could we do this in the light of limited data?
Host: Séverine Arnold University of Lausanne Switzerland
Special Guests: Lisa Morgan International Labour Organization (ILO) Switzerland Aparna Dalal International Labour Organization (ILO) Switzerland
Discussants: Corina Constantinescu University of Liverpool United Kingdom Ida Ferrara York University Canada Edward Furman York University Canada
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 – 16h00 (GMT +1)
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022 – 10h00 (EST)
Parametric insurance for sustainable development
What is parametric (or index) insurance? Could it disrupt the insurance landscape of the 21st Century? How is it a facilitator of the UN’s Sustainable Development agenda? And what are the links between it and … NASA?
Host: Corina Constantinescu University of Liverpool United Kingdom
Special Guests: Emily Adams NASA, SERVIR United States of America Sevtap Kestel Middle East Technical University Turkey
Discussants: Séverine Arnold University of Lausanne Switzerland Ida Ferrara York University Canada Edward Furman York University Canada